Preston Ford of Keller

Jul 2, 2021

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should you buy or lease a car

Buying v. Leasing

Our educated finance team is here to answer any questions about the two ways to drive away in a new Ford vehicle. Preston Ford of Keller has jotted down a few facts that will help you determine should you buy or lease a car. Our inventory features stellar selections available for lease or purchase, such as the all-new Ford Bronco Sport, the all-electric Ford Mustang Mach-E, and North America’s Truck of the Year, the Ford F-150.

Preston for Lifeshould you buy or lease a car

Here are some key takeaways on whether you should buy or lease a car:

  • Buying with cash or financing with a loan means you will own the entire vehicle over time and can be more cost-effective over the long term, but you’ll be responsible for maintenance and repairs after warranty expiration.


  • When you purchase with cash or finance a new Ford, you can customize it, sell it, or trade it as you please. But each year the vehicle depreciates.


  • Leasing provides you the opportunity to drive a car with the latest technology and features at a lower monthly payment than financing, with a manufacturer warranty and lower maintenance costs. However, there are mileage and wear-and-tear restrictions.


  • A Ford lease often requires less of a down payment but can be costly in the long run if there are mileage fees or you need to end your lease agreement early.

Begin the Process

Still wondering should you buy or lease a car? Sometimes, the best option is factoring in how much you’ll be commuting, your driving style, and how much freedom you want for personalization. Your decision on whether you should buy or lease a car requires a little math, and the finance experts at Preston Ford of Keller suggest utilizing our payment calculator. Next, complete a Ford Credit application either on our website or in person when you visit us. After that, a professional at Preston Ford of Keller will contact you with more specific details on buying or leasing your next new Ford!