Preston Ford of Keller

Dec 29, 2020

Schedule Maintenance Today

safe driving in the snow Virginia

Virginia Safe Driving In the Snow

Want to be an expert at driving in the snow? Virginia winters can vary in severity, and the team at Preston Ford of Keller wants to ensure you are equipped with the right skills and knowledge before the first snowstorm hits. Check out our advice for safe driving in the snow in Virginia.

Essential Tune-Up

Before the first cold snap, schedule maintenance at our Ford service center! Our expert technicians will inspect your vehicle for any leaks or bad hoses, measure the tread on your tires, and replenish your fluids. Our team will also check your heating and cooling system, battery, and defrosters to ensure they are functioning properly.

Snow Tires

Consider preserving your all-season tires and installing snow tires for winter. This safe and preventative choice gives you more traction and grip on icy surfaces for safe driving in the snow in Virginia.

Preston for Lifesafe driving in the snow Virginia


Emergency Kit

Prepare well by having an ice scraper, warm gear, water, extra food, medications, phones, chargers, and a spare tire kit on board. Map out your route, buckle up, and give yourself plenty of time to navigate to your destination.

Slow Motion

Another piece of our advice for safe driving in the snow in Virginia is to drive slowly and alert. Sparingly use the brakes by tapping them gently when necessary to come to a complete stop. Maintain awareness of other vehicles and optimal visibility by gazing ahead at all times and using your low beams.

Schedule Service

Now that you have glanced over our advice for safe driving in the snow in Virginia, we hope you are all set! Remember, practice and patience makes perfect. Schedule a Ford service appointment to ensure your vehicle is ready for the next blizzard. We anticipate taking care of your service needs at Preston Ford of Keller soon!

safe driving in the snow Virginia